ServerConfigMOD v2.5
Server Startup

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Upon ServerConfigMOD startup, it will give you feedback to the various configuration files being loaded. Shown are the config.txt (the heart of sconfig) and the cycle.txt file (for map cycling). Server Obituaries are also loaded. If you have name banning enabled it will also reflect a success or failure in opening up these addtional files as well. You can of course, edit any configuration file from the default distribution to give your server an even greater level of customization and style of gameplay.

By default ServerConfigMOD basically runs in a strict DM mode. VISIT the tutorial section to learn what each setting within the config.txt file means, and how easy it is to customize any portion of your server.

* Soon to be released are sample config.txt files for various styles of game play. Have a favorite setup of your own already? Be sure to send in your config.txt file.