NOTE : Underscores

Some of the functions are given as two versions, those with a leading underscore and 
those without. Those with the underscore are actual functions. Those without are macros 
#defined in q_shared.h. I believe that the #defined versions are more efficient (may be 
no difference, depends on compiler?). In general you should use the versions without the

NOTE : Format of Quake2 variables

vector - represented by type vec3_t, basically an array of floats, with :

vector[0] = x coordinate
vector[1] = y coordinate
vector[2] = z coordinate

angles - also represented by type vec3_t, this time with:

angles[0] = pitch (up and down)
angles[1] = yaw (turn left and right)
angles[2] = roll (tilt left and right, not really used)

angle - represented by a float


anglemod (angle)

returns the equivalent of angle between 0 and 360 degrees

LerpAngle (angle1, angle2, fraction)

returns the angle resulting from turning fraction * angle from angle1 to angle2
(and if you can't make sense of that, don't worry, this isn't actually used anywhere)

Bounding Box

AddPointToBounds (point, mins, maxs)

if the point is outside the box defined by mins and maxs, expand the box to accomodate it.
sets mins and maxs to their new values

ClearBounds (mins, maxs)

sets mins and maxs to starting points before using AddPointToBounds


Q_fabs (number)

if the number is  < 0, returns -1 * number, otherwise returns the number

Q_log2 (number)

returns the log to base 2 of the number

Info strings

Info_RemoveKey (string, key)

searches through string for key, then removes it

Info_SetValueForKey (string, key, value)

adds a new entry 'key' into string with value 'value'. removes any old versions of key.
NOTE : value should be a string

Info_ValueForKey (string, key)

searches through string for key, then retunrs the value associated with key


Q_strcasecmp (string1, string2)

compares string1 and string2, returning 0 if they are the same
NOTE : ignores case

Q_stricmp (string1, string2)

compares the two strings, returning 0 if they are identical
NOTE : case must be identical

Q_strncasecmp (string1, string2, number)

compares the first 'number' letters in string1 and string2, returning 0 if they are the same
NOTE : ignores case


AngleVectors (angles, forward_vector, right_vector, up_vector)

Converts the angles into various vectors :

forward_vector : vector along angles
right_vector : vector 90 degrees to the right of forward_vector
up_vector : vector 90 up from forward_vector

CrossProduct (vector1, vector2, vector_out)

sets vector_out to the cross product of vector1 and vector2

NOTE on cross product :
This gives a vector perpendicular to vector1 and vector2, of length : 
'length vector1' * 'length vector2' * sin (angle from vector1 to vector2)
If you want to know how it's calculated, look at the code in q_shared.c

DotProduct (vector1, vector2), _DotProduct (vector1, vector2)

gives the dot product of vector1 and vector2

NOTE on dot product : 
This is calculated by vector1[0]*vector2[0] + vector1[1]*vector2[1] + vector1[2] * vector2[2]
It is also equal to 'length of vector1' * 'length of vector2' * cos (angle between vectors)

vectoangles (vector, angles)

Sets the angles array to point in the same direction as the vector

VectorAdd (vector1,vector2,vector_out), _VectorAdd (vector1,vector2,vector_out)

adds vector1 to vector2 and puts the result in vector_out

VectorClear (vector)

sets the vector to <0,0,0>

VectorCompare (vector1, vector2)

returns 1 if the vectors are the same and 0 otherwise

VectorCopy (vector_in,vector_out), _VectorCopy (vector_in,vector_out)

copies vector_in to vector_out

VectorInverse (vector)

sets vector to -1 * vector

VectorLength (vector)

returns the length of the vector

VectorMA (vector1, scale, vector2, vector_out)

sets vector_out to :   vector1 + scale * vector2

VectorNegate (vector_in, vector_out)

sets vector_out to  -1 * vector_in

VectorNormalize (vector)

returns a vector in the same direction as the given vector, but only one unit long

VectorNormalize2 (vector_in, vector_out)

sets vector_out to the normalised version of vector_in. returns the length of vector_in

VectorScale (vector_in, scale, vector_out)

sets vector_out to scale * vector_in

VectorSet (vector, x, y, z)

sets the x coordinate of vector to x, the y coordinate to y, etc.

VectorSubtract (vector1,vector2,vector_out), _VectorSubtract (vector1,vector2,vector_out)

subtracts vector2 from vector1 and puts the result in vector_out

vectoyaw (vector)

Returns the yaw component of the angles vector

vtos (vector)

converts a vector into a string

Returns the string